MOVIESTAR 24-9-2009 until 22-10-2009
OPENING Thursday 24 September – 8.00 p.m.
In this interactive installation, the visitor literally plays the lead role. A proposal by Marieke Verbiesen and Neeltje Sprengers, it is one of the winning projects of the BNG Workspace Project Prize 2009.
The basic theme is the evolution of special effects and the role that these play in cinematography and the fine arts.
The installation merges live recordings of the visitor and of an electronically controlled film set into one real-time projection. Classic and new techniques are used to create a film reality that the otherwise passive viewer can now manipulate: he can watch himself act as an actor in a movie, surrounded by monsters, UFOs and surrealistic events.
LECTURESAs part of the MOVIESTAR exhibition in
ZAAL5, two lectures will be held that explore the artists’ sources of inspiration and how the speakers relate to these.
Thursday 8 October – 8.00 p.m.:
Pauline Kalker of the innovative animation theatre group Hotel Modern will speak about low tech and high tech and the philosophy of Hotel Modern, and will show how maximum effects can be achieved using minimal means.
Thursday 22 October – 8.00 p.m.:
Volker Morawe and Tilman Reiff of the German FUR Art Entertainment Interfaces will discuss their humoristic installations that revolve around the user and his use of machines.